
Jefferson Reporter

Sunday, March 9, 2025

IGLESIA EPISCOPAL DE LA GRACIA: Deacon's Blog - COVID 19 Pastoral Response


Iglesia Episcopal de la Gracia issued the following announcement on March 17.

We have quickly moved into an unsettling time. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic is real, but I am so proud of our country for clear, doable public health measures to try and arrest the spread of this preventable disease. I know we all are eager to comply, to do our part.

Each of us can help by practicing practical health and wellness measures like:

  • Limit your contacts to family and close friends.
  • Do not unnecessarily get into crowds
  • Wash your hands often

    Cover your mouth when you sneeze, do not use handkerchief or facial tissue more than once

  • Avoid touch your face with your hands
  • Regularly clean surfaces in your living spaces
  • Shop for food and home supplies consciously, and please do not hoard
  • Get adequate rest
  • Exercise
  • Eat a balanced diet
Much of what is being recommended to the American public by the Centers of Disease Control (CDC) right now is just plain common sense to ultimately try and flatten the curve, impede the spread of germs, specifically colds, flu and CoVid 19. Many of us have never witnessed anything quite like what we are seeing right now, on the other hand, others of us have lived through some tough public health crises like Bird Flu, HIV/AIDS, MRSA, SARS, and Mad Cow Disease.

In all of these public health events the American people pulled together, engaged in practical and strategic efforts to prevent further spread and panic. I don’t mean this flip, but I’ve just posted a fridge note to self that reads: This Too Shall Pass. America has a long and illustrious history of uniting. We can do it again, with God’s help.

But, you know that social distancing, hunkering down at home, and adapting to what is now the the ‘new normal’ can be pretty worrisome, even frightening. The clergy of Ascension, and staff (leadership?)of the Ascension Wellness Center want to assure you that we are here for you when it comes to the care of your body, mind and spirit. If you have questions about your health and well-being, or you may feel you are in need of spiritual direction or counseling we have the resources available. Please do not hesitate to contact the church, to ask to speak with clergy or the Wellness Center.  


I would like to offer to you a new way of forging this challenging time, and it is how I am praying to meet this crisis ‘heart on.’ I think in some ways the slowing down of our day to day, the about face from our former demands of business, and this encouraged recommendation of staying at home, not being in crowds is in many ways a gift.

Lent is a time in the liturgical year, where honor and listen for how God may be calling us into the wilderness, into the unknown, into a time of spiritual exploration through silence, stillness and spending time alone with God. Lent invites us into the spiritual practices self-reflection, intentionality, and penitence. It just seems serendipitous that the recommended ‘social distancing’ for COVID-19 coincides with what we were already practicing during Lent. Turning inward, turning our faces to God for stillness, direction, and healing. We do this individually, but collectively too as every member of faith community is beckoned into the spiritual disciplines. So, I encourage you to use some of this now freed up time and space in your lives to go deeper into your spiritual journey to delve in how you may strengthen your relationship with the holy.

If there is one message to be heard, then let it be: You Are Not Alone. Turn to prayer, turn to your faith community and turn to our new Wellness Center as an additional resource for needs to be as healthy as you can be in body, mind and spirit.

Should you feel the need to talk then simply reach out and call the church 205-822-3480. Your clergy and staff are at the ready to support you. If you feel you need pastoral guidance or spiritual direction, we are totally here for you.

Original source can be found here.