Alabama’s 6th Congressional District | Alabama’s 6th Congressional District website
Alabama’s 6th Congressional District | Alabama’s 6th Congressional District website
Representative Gary Palmer of Alabama has introduced a Congressional Review Act resolution aimed at overturning the Biden Administration's recent move to ban natural gas water heaters. Palmer expressed his opposition, stating, "In his final days in power, Biden is continuing his regulatory attack on American homes. This radical ban on gas water heaters proves that the administration’s focus is on furthering an agenda instead of what is best for the American people."
Palmer criticized the potential impact of this rule, suggesting it could disproportionately affect vulnerable populations. "This is another example of how out of touch the Democrats are with the average American family," he said. "If this rule takes effect, it will be another hidden tax that disproportionately harms the elderly and low-income populations."
He also emphasized Republican efforts to counteract these regulations: “The American people deserve better. My Republican colleagues and I will work to roll back these egregious regulations so we can lower energy costs and end the Democrats’ overreaching policies.”
Steve Kaminski, President and CEO of the National Propane Gas Association, voiced support for Palmer's initiative. He stated, “The National Propane Gas Association and its members are deeply appreciative of Representative Palmer's leadership in taking decisive action to roll back the Biden Administration's last-minute rulemaking.” Kaminski highlighted concerns over economic implications: “However, this rule would compel families to replace their existing equipment with unnecessary expensive retrofits, imposing an undue financial burden for a marginal level of energy savings and questionable economic benefits.”
The resolution has gained backing from several other representatives including Eric Burlison (MO-07), Julia Letlow (LA-05), Mike Collins (GA-10), Randy Weber (TX-14), Stephanie Bice (OK-05), Barry Moore (AL-01), Andy Ogles (TN-05), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Russ Fulcher (ID-01), Jack Bergman (MI-01), Dan Crenshaw (TX-02), Michelle Fischbach (MN-07), Jeff Hurd (CO-03), and Jim Baird (IN-04).
Rep. Palmer shared more details about his stance during an exclusive interview with Fox Digital.